Ways to Leverage Your Intellectual Property by Betty Mahalik

By admin
Feb 26th, 2013

articleIf you’ve ever written a newsletter, a blog or an article you have created intellectual property. This top ten list is intellectual property. The question is: Are you getting the maximum mileage from your intellectual property or has it been used once and then put on the shelf to collect virtual dust? If you’re not actively seeking ways to leverage your intellectual property you’re likely missing opportunities to grow your brand, build your “tribe” as media/marketing guru Seth Godin calls it, and extend your reach. In short you’re missing opportunities to profit from what you’ve created.

In this day and age of social media, it is absolutely essential to build your own following by creating intellectual property and then maximize the mileage you gain from what you’ve created.

Here are ten ways to leverage your intellectual property:

  1. Build your social media profile. Too many professionals and business owners are still wondering if this “social media thing” can really benefit them. Stop wondering and start finding out how to put your brand, your company and your name into the social media mix. Learn the difference between Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and other platforms, and start making them part of your leveraging strategy.

  2. Ask what intellectual property you have “sitting around” that you could re-purpose. For example, if you write a newsletter you mail out to clients or subscribers, where else could you post that newsletter or article on line to exponentially increase your readership and reach? And don’t stop there. Keep asking “where else?”

  3. Create tips lists about your business, service or profession that might be useful to clients and prospects. The tips list you’re reading right now is an example. If you’re an attorney, write tips lists based on a theme or topic your clients want to know about. Tips on how to find a good attorney, what to do if you’re in an accident or 10 reasons to have a will or trust are examples. The possibilities are endless. If you can’t think of tips on your own, start asking your clients and prospects what they want to know about and write about that.

  4. Break your tips list down and post a “tip-a-day” on your blog, website, or social media sites that reach your target audience. These freebies go a long way toward building credibility and goodwill with your clients and prospects.

  5. Turn an article into a speech or vice-versa. Almost any article you write can be the basis for a speech or any speech the basis for an article. Writing and speaking are two of the most powerful ways to reach and influence your market.

  6. Turn your article or speech into a blog post or a guest article in someone else’s blog. Double or even triple the mileage by posting to an on-line article bank like www.ezinearticles.com or turn it into a tips list. And keep asking, “Where else might I share or re-purpose this information?”

  7. Tag onto other’s posts with your thoughtful comments and posts. LinkedIn is a great place to add your two-cent’s worth, raise your professional profile and link to articles, tips or other content you’ve created. Make sure your posts contribute to the discussion and underscore your knowledge about a subject not just your opinion.

  8. Create an e-book, e-course or webinar from your content. Almost any useful article, tips list, speech or other content can be turned into an e-course or even a webinar, delivered on your website, via social media sites or others’ websites. These intellectual products can be free or fee-based depending on content. But remember the ultimate value to you is to build your expert status and give people a reason to follow you and spread the word to others.

  9. Support a cause by sharing intellectual property that will benefit others who follow the cause. For example, if you’re an animal lover see if you can contribute a tips list or article to the newsletter of a rescue organization. Have a family member or friend who has been affected by a disease? Ask how you can support their marketing and outreach efforts with your intellectual property. Offer a free seminar, training or speech; write an article or tips list. And then see where else you might be able to share what you’ve created.

  10. Give lots away! I’m not talking about giving away your services for free. But information is another matter. Thomas Leonard, the founder of CoachU, Coachville and creator of volumes of intellectual content from top ten lists to full courses of study advised that giving away valuable information would do more to build a following and grow your brand value than almost any other activity. He practiced what he preached and built an astounding following as well as an incredible body of work in a relatively short period of time.

Bonus Tip:

  1. Consistency is king! Picking just one of these ideas and doing it consistently will do far more to create leverage than doing all 10 of them only once. So start with what you can and will do on a consistent basis (minimum once a week) and build from there.

If you’ve continued to operate on the principle of one thing at a time, in today’s warp speed communication and business environment you’re rapidly losing ground! Those who are able to apply the concept of leveraging to their brand development and businesses stand a much greater chance of being around in a few years than those who don’t. Start asking how you can leverage your intellectual property, expand your visibility, multiply your reach, and create new possibilities by the things you’re already doing.

© Betty Mahalik. Betty is a business and personal coach who has been coaching others to achieve goals, communicate more powerfully, and manage stress for more than 20 years. She writes a weekly motivational e-newsletter called Monday Morning Coach. To subscribe send an email to bettym@dynamic-coaching.com

And if you liked these tips then you will want to get the Get a Plan! Guide® to Networking. Networking is a far more important skill and practice than any of us can really comprehend. Years ago, it wasn’t necessary to know how to network because you knew who you knew – and that was all you needed to know. Today… that is far from true. Learn 19 Networking Need-to-Knows in this practical and specific guide which is part of the Get a Plan! Guides® series.