How to Get Going on a Task by Janet Schiesl, CPO

By admin
In Coaches
Mar 4th, 2013

starting lineIf you are always doing things at the last-minute, you are not alone. Many people have trouble getting motivated to start tasks. Large or small, homework, chores or job responsibilities – getting started on all these can stress you out. To help you with options to move forward, here are 10 tips to get you going.

  1. Evaluate whether the task is something you really value. Maybe it’s something that someone else asked of you and may not important to you.

  2. Imagine yourself doing and completing the task. Seeing the outcome may motivate you.

  3. Chunking. It means to break down your task into smaller, more doable pieces. It won’t seem so overwhelming then.

  4. Make action items. Make a list of the tasks you want to accomplish and use verbs at the beginning of each item.

  5. Get it in your planner. If you write each task down on your calendar and schedule enough time to do it, you are more likely to succeed.

  6. Use post-it notes to remind yourself of the tasks to complete. A little reminder very hurt.

  7. Be accountable to someone else. Reporting to someone who will support your work and not criticize your efforts will be a great motivator.

  8. Look at what is getting in your way. If you have tried everything and still struggle, examine if outside (or inside) forces are getting in your way.

  9. Get help. Working with a friend will motivate you to move forward. Making any activity more social can add to the experience.

  10. Plan a reward at the completion of a task. Make it small, but fun.

Janet Schiesl, CPO© is the owner of Basic Organization, a professional organizing firm in the Washington DC area. The Basic Team provides services to busy families, business owners, downsizing seniors and the chronically disorganized. We can teach you the skills to get organized and live a more simplified life, by providing you with ideas, information, structure and solutions to help you regain control of your space.

Janet is a co-author of the book Get Organized Today. A collaboration of professionals, that provides inspiration for getting organized. The book offers practical ideas that you can use immediately to live a better, more effective life. Find us and more information at

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