Reducing Your Costs by Meggin McIntosh, PhD

Apr 8th, 2013

costsEntrepreneurs need to pay attention to their costs and expenditures – productively.  You don’t want to be spending excess time worrying about a dollar here and a dollar there, however, you are smart to pay a fair price for goods and services and not pay more than necessary.  Here are ten questions to ask or statements to make when you are making a purchase and would like to save some money.

  1. “How can you help me out with this price today?”  Ask this and then be quiet.  This advice holds true for essentially all of the ones below, also.

  2. “What discount would you be able to offer me if I buy today and pay cash?”

  3. “I can get this item/product/service on-line (at xyz store) but I would rather buy it from you.  Can you meet this price or get close to it?”

  4. “Is there a way we can work together on this so that you make some money and I save some money?”

  5. “If you can’t come down on this price, what else could you include to make it more appealing to me?”

  6.  “I can meet you half-way on this price.  How does that sound?”

  7. “Last week, I know this was on sale and I wasn’t able to come in.  I am hoping that you are still interested in taking the sale price because I am still interested in this product at the sale price.”

  8. “What’s your best offer on this product or service right now?  I am not interested in dickering.  I want to get the best value for my money and I’m willing to help you make a sale today.”

  9. “Is the manager available?  She may be able to approve the price I’m prepared to pay.”

  10. “Thank you for your time today.  If something changes, please give me a call.”  Just hand the person your card and walk away.

In all cases when you ask these questions or make these statements to the person with whom you are dealing, use a matter-of-fact voice and tone.  Know that you are being fair and you are hoping to make a purchase if it works out in the best interest of the seller, as well.  We are all in business to make money and to stay in business.  When money changes hands for goods and services, it makes a difference in keeping the economy going.  Do your part!

© Meggin McIntosh, Ph.D (also known as “The PhD of Productivity”®) was a university professor for over 15 years and spent five of those years working with faculty at the University of Nevada, Reno.  Since leaving the full-time academic life for the full-time entrepreneurial life, Meggin writes, consults, and does workshops for smart people who want to be more productive, thereby being able to consistently keep their emphasis on excellence.  Thus, the name of her company is Emphasis on Excellence, Inc.

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