Distinguish Yourself by Paulette Ensign

By admin
Apr 9th, 2014
Note from Meggin:  To be optimally productive as a school administrator, you must consider your image, your service(s), and your product(s) – even if you don’t typically think of what you do in these ways.  Read the following 10 tips very carefully and think about what you can do to distinguish yourself in your role as a principal and also how your school (and all its team members) can distinguish itself through your leadership.  When you are highly respected, you can make things happen much more easily and quickly than if you are not respected.  So…distinguish yourself and see what happens…
While lots of people have products and/or services that can look something like yours, you have the ability to further distinguish yourself no matter what business you have. How do you rate on these points of distinction?
  1. Do what you say you’re going to do when you say you’re going to do it. This is often a wavy line for some people, returning a phone call sort of on time (an hour late), sending out something within a day or so of when it was promised, and other examples you’ve experienced on one side of the equation or the other. How refreshing (and unusual) is it when someone calls you exactly when they said they would? Let your people experience that from you. Make them a priority so they make you a priority.
  2. Realize that speed stuns. You may have been on the receiving end of a phone call from me immediately after hitting “send” on an email to me. If I’m in my office when it arrives and it’s easy to see a phone number in the email or find it online, it’s a great way to engage with you, and to distinguish this company from many others out there in other parts of your life. Or you may have received a booklet manuscript edit back much sooner than promised. The phrase “speed stuns” came to me from a long-time client in the UK, Peter Thomson. Peter is right. Speed stuns, in a Good Way.
  3. Understand that no matter how long things take, everything happens suddenly. Following up with a client or a likely prospect often takes more reaching out than you’d like. The longer you stay in motion by communicating with the person, the more likely they are to hear that one thing in that one moment that allows them to comfortably move forward in doing business with you. This is especially true with large quantity booklet sales and licensing deals. These folks have many things vying for their time and attention.Then one day you’re at the top of their radar and it all works.
  4. Decide. Decide who you want to do business with and who you don’t. Decide which products,  formats, and services you want to offer and which ones you don’t. Be willing to let go of things that don’t work and add in ones that do, within an area of expertise most comfortable for you that are in demand by others. Decide what your business hours are and where it is you’re willing to do business. Shift your focus so you can, indeed, be focused.The clearer you are, the easier it is for people to do business with you. You’ve distinguished yourself.
  5. Ask questions. Find out what you can from the person you’re talking to. Ask them as much as possible for you to understand how what you’ve got can be what they want. This is so basic that it is often overlooked. It can be one of the biggest points of distinction in your business. While it may take a little more of your time, within reason, it is one of the best ways to win new and loyal fans for your business.
  6. Let a sender know you got it. Replying with a simple “got it” to an email from someone who sent you something you requested saves time and confusion. They know it was received and you know you closed the communication loop. Think of the many times you wondered if something was received, and then wondered about the best way to follow up to find out.
  7. Treat people as people rather than as your next sale. It’s impossible to know where a person is in their life when they contact you for your expertise. No matter what shape your checkbook balance is in remember that the person who phoned or emailed you for information thinks you have something of potential value to them. Whether you’re desperate for the sale or have tons of money to spare, think of the person as a human being first and client/customer second.
  8. Say it simply. You know about your products and services inside out and backwards. Other people don’t. Use commonly known words with less syllables to explain what you offer. Do this online, on the phone, in workshops, and in all the ways you communicate with your world. It keeps you from being considered a snake oil or used car salesperson and builds trust.
  9. Listen. That means picking up on what is said and what isn’t said, whether talking to a person or reading what they wrote to you. Some of the most important information is right in between those lines. Taking the extra care to notice what’s in between the lines is a big point of distinction you can claim over other business people.
  10. Know how much is enough and how much is too much. The practice of giving tons of bonuses to encourage a sale can be more of a deterrent than an incentive to many people, especially if it is their first experience with a topic or with a business person. Or making long runs of sales copy that has become a popular thing to do can also send someone running from your otherwise valuable information. Or sending yet one more email to your list about an offer you’re making. Being too skimpy with good solid information can leave a person wanting or be just the right amount for a quick-thinking and fast learning person. Instead of jumping on the most popular approaches of the moment merely because they are popular, choose what works best for your people. They will thank you by sticking around.

© Paulette Ensign | Tips Booklets

Paulette Ensign | Collection of Expert

858-481-0890 – desk | 858-922-9768 – cell | San Diego, CA 92130

Note from Meggin:  Paulette Ensign is the reason that the original Top Ten Productivity Tips series was launched and I am thrilled to have her as a contributor to these new series!

So What Do You Do? - eBook CoverAnd to help you get clear about communicating who you are, what you do, and why it matters, access the well-received teleseminar So, What Do You Do? Available for immediate download!