Managing Your Time by Erin Mecseji

By admin
May 13th, 2013

clockIf you are a small business owner, chances are pretty good that you are working very hard for your business rather than your business working very hard for you. It doesn’t have to be that way! You can have a successful and thriving business and still maintain a fulfilling personal life. Here are a few things to consider that will get you on your way:

  1. Check your list. This is crucial because your list won’t do you any good if it is tucked away in your desk, far from your observant eye.
  2. Let go of your “Perfection” Gremlin. You know that little voice inside your head that tells you your press release, newsletter article, web site aren’t “good enough” yet for you to submit. Think back to all of the work you’ve done and never submitted or followed through on because it wasn’t “perfect”. You listened to your “perfection” Gremlin! Learn to know when something is good enough.  It will save you tons of time…and quite possibly tons of money!
  3. Don’t procrastinate. If you’ve been mulling over a decision for some time now, commit today to making a final decision on it TODAY. Then move on!
  4. Breathe. It will all get done…it doesn’t have to get done all at once.
  5. Schedule your email. Don’t let your email control your life. Schedule in time during your day that you will check and respond to your email. Then commit to it!
  6. Create time for yourself. For busy small business owners, time can often get away from you. Schedule in at least one hour a week dedicated solely to you. This time is where you can brainstorm, make a list, write an article, attack your schedule. I have a client who calls this time her Brain Dump. It is her life-vest in a busy world.
  7. Make a list. What are your priorities today? This week? This month? Take time at the beginning of every week to make your list. Knowing what your priorities are will help you make better decisions about how and where you spend your time.
  8. Prevent distractions. When you’ve committed to work on something, avoid distractions. That means no phone calls, no visitors, no emails. You’ll be amazed at all you can get done when you eliminate distractions and remain focused.
  9. Take a break. As a small business owner you can often be so focused on all that you have to do in a day/week/month. You work insanely long hours. You work nights, weekends, and holidays. I applaud your dedication. Now, take a break. Go for a walk, go to the gym, do some yoga. Get your mind on something else. You’ll be more refreshed, creative and focused if you take some periodic time for yourself.
  10. Take time for yourself! This is different than taking a break. This is time dedicated to your betterment. This is time dedicated to spending with family, long weekend getaways, vacations, workshops, or retreats…anything that helps you get back in touch with you! If you take the time for you, there is less likelihood you will burn out.

The idea is not to implement all of these ideas at once. Pick one or two that, if implemented, would have the biggest impact on your life and then practice them for a week. Notice what happens. Then when you’ve had some practice pick another concept and practice it for a week. The idea is to have as many “weapons” in your productivity arsenal as possible so that you always have one or two to choose from. Have fun with the process!

© Erin Mecseji

Erin Mecseji, ACC, CPCC is a business coach who works with successful small business owners to create businesses that work for them rather than against them. Erin’s clients have more focus, creativity, balance and time. Contact her at or visit

Note from Meggin:  I have known Erin for about 7 or 8 years and am able to HIGHLY recommend her.  I have sent many coaching clients to her over the years and I always get great feedback from them about her skill as a coach and teacher.

Hot SpotsAnd to help you with your productivity you may be interested in the teleseminar Identify and Capitalize on Your Own Productivity ‘Hot Spots’. Throughout your days and your weeks, you have “hot spots” where you have the potential to be optimally productive. It is during these times that you can be “in the zone,” working at “Mach 10,” and getting things done that are of the most benefit to you and your company.