Ten Tips for a Successful Mother-Son Trip by Deborah Grayson Riegel, MSW, PCC

By admin
Sep 8th, 2016

Tomorrow evening, my son and I head overseas for a two-week vacation in Israel, Jordan, and Spain. In preparation for this trip, we created a list of 10 tips for a successful mother-son trip:

  1. Take turns choosing activities – we each get to pick one thing each day we really want to do, and vetoing must be used sparingly.
  2. You may play games, send emails or otherwise have your face buried in your phone only during long plane/train/automobile rides, or at the hotel at night. Otherwise, your eyes are taking in the amazing sights.
  3. If you need time alone, ask for it and it shall be granted – without anyone taking it personally (even if it IS personal).
  4. We take turns schlepping heavy or unwieldy stuff but keep in mind that one of us is 6 feet tall without a herniated disc.
  5. Eat lots of fruits and veggies so that your body can handle ice cream/halvah/everything at Marzipan.
  6. Don’t go to bed angry. Work it out so that tomorrow can be a fresh start.
  7. Mom is a super-smeller, so if it stinks, it sleeps outside the hotel room.
  8. If one of us senses danger, we follow those instincts and do whatever it takes to feel safe.
  9. Don’t ask yourself whether you really need more sunscreen or more water – assume you do.

    And a special one from Jacob:

  10. Don’t practice saying curse words in that country’s native language. It won’t turn out well.

What are your tips for a great vacation?

Deborah Grayson Riegel, MSW, PCC, is an internationally recognized expert in presentation and interpersonal communication skills. Her training, coaching, speaking and consulting consistently result in improved productivity, professionalism and morale. Visit her website at http://deborahgraysonriegel.com/.

Personal Pockets - Perspective

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