Avoid Grading Overload by Sue Vaughn

By admin
Oct 21st, 2013

Teacher grading papersWhy do we grade? To guide students along the path of learning. We should not be grading to be martyrs. If you’re overloaded with grading and have forgotten the purpose, try these tips.

  1. Buy a copy of Carol Jago’s Papers, Papers, Papers and read it. Even if you’re not an English teacher, her advice is golden. Seriously. Buy one now.
  2. Stop whining. You signed up for this job and you’re getting paid. I understand that English teachers grade more than P.E. teachers and we’re paid the same. Just get over it.
  3. Grade what only you can grade. I am an English teacher and I grade essays. I don’t grade objective work if there’s any way out of it. Be creative.
  4. Use rubrics.
  5. Don’t write on papers that are not going to be revised.
  6. Consider grading only a portion of the assignment (such as the conclusion). Do not tell students in advance that you are doing this.
  7. Don’t assign something new until you’ve turned back the previous assignment. You may have to change your lesson plan – so be it. If there’s too much overlap you won’t get any closure with the previous assignment.
  8. Grade one hour a day in a “secret” place. I like my school’s library. If you’re in your classroom or a visible office, people will interrupt. Schedule this time on your planner.
  9. Collect papers in alphabetical order so recording is faster.
  10. Buy a beautiful new red (yes, red) pen for each major assignment. Lovely.
© Sue Vaughn, M.A. | National Board Certified Teacher

www.mrssuevaughn.com | www.selfofsteam.com | mrssuevaughn@mac.com

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