Ten Tips to Save Big Money on Your Food Budget by Janet Schiesl, CPO

By admin
In Women
Mar 2nd, 2013

budgetingWhen I was a young adult (and not so organized) I used to go grocery shopping about once a week. I’d spend a reasonable amount of money, but many times those shopping trips ended with me going home, putting everything away and then going out to dinner. I was a little crazy to shop without a plan and then come home with nothing to eat for dinner. I soon learned that by planning meals before grocery shopping can save you BIG MONEY!

  1. Cook at home. This will be your biggest savings. Americans spend some 50% of their food dollars on restaurant meals. Cooking at home is always cheaper. Planning a week of meals at one time can make it easier to follow your plan.

  2. Stretch your budget by making a meal out of left-overs. Omelets, quesadillas, stir-fries, soups or pastas can incorporate many different ingredients.

  3. Eat left-overs for lunch or freeze for another meal.

  4. Know what’s in your freezer. Have a running inventory of what you have stored and plan when you will use it. Make sure you use each meal within a year.

  5. Use less meat. Make a meal once a week that focuses on beans, tofu or eggs.

  6. Incorporated frozen vegetables into recipes. They are healthy and inexpensive.

  7. Grow your own garden. If you have a yard use some of it to plan some herbs and seasonal vegetable. It’s healthy and a great project for the kids.

  8. Buy some items in bulk. Check prices, but sometimes buying in bulk and freezing for later can save lots of money.

  9. Stock up on staples like beans, rice, canned tomatoes, oil, pasta and frozen veggies. Having basic items will help you through something together for dinner in a flash.

  10. Buy when it’s on sale and use coupons when able.

You can save big with a little organization.

Janet Schiesl, CPO© is the owner of Basic Organization, a professional organizing firm in the Washington DC area. The Basic Team provides services to busy families, business owners, downsizing seniors and the chronically disorganized. We can teach you the skills to get organized and live a more simplified life, by providing you with ideas, information, structure and solutions to help you regain control of your space.

Janet is a co-author of the book Get Organized Today. A collaboration of professionals, that provides inspiration for getting organized. The book offers practical ideas that you can use immediately to live a better, more effective life. Find us and more information at www.BasicOrganization.com.

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