Top Ten Easy and Free Ideas to Rejuvenate by Camilla Downs

By admin
In Women
Mar 13th, 2013

laughI know I’m not alone in having those times (far too many) when my shoulders and neck have made themselves at home nestled right under my ears – creating almost unbearable tension! I also know I’m not alone in having very low funds to invest in rejuvenating activities so I’ve put together this easy and free list in the hopes that you find a thing or two that works for you.

  1. Laugh and SMILE … even when you don’t feel like it … smile especially at those you love.
  2. Feeling overwhelmed, angry or sad? Take deep breaths and drink a big glass of water (although not at the same time!)
  3. Step outside for a few minutes of fresh air.
  4. Turn on your favorite music and DANCE for a few minutes … or more!
  5. Go outside and gaze at the moon and stars.
  6. Clean for a few minutes … this ONLY works if you clear your mind and solely think about your task at hand.
  7. Keep a Happiness and/or Gratitude Log … Whenever you have a few minutes write in it …
  8. If you have a flower garden, step outside and SMELL THE FLOWERS!! Smell them, touch them and admire them. Think about ONLY the flowers.
  9. Spend a lot of time in your car? Listen to inspirational audio recordings. Better yet … make your own, recorded in your own voice.
  10. Stop and stretch for a few minutes. Stretch your arms to the sky, bend over and touch the floor. Open your arms wide and stretch.

Now that you have a starter list, add your own ideas and personalize this list. Be creative and have fun with it. Print this list and keep a copy in your purse, your car and anywhere else you think useful. Get creative and have fun with it.

© Camilla Downs

Camilla Downs is a special needs parent mentor, guiding parents to help them decrease feelings of overwhelm by shifting their views and showing them they are not alone. Her book, D iz for Different – One Woman’s Journey to Acceptance, was published in May 2012. The book offers Downs’ personal experiences in facing and overcoming life’s trials with grit and humor, along with providing practical “Tips for the Journey” throughout the book. For more information about Camilla visit, or to book Camilla for a speaking engagement, schedule an interview, schedule a guest blog post, or discuss freelance writing opportunities with Camilla Downs, please email

Personal Pockets - Perspective

And if you liked these tips, feel free to check out Putting Pockets in Your Personal Life: 52 Tips to Implement Immediately. If you know you are operating without any “pockets,” and you realize that you have lost sight of the difference between calm and crazed, then this booklet will help you regain that realization and subsequently DO something about it.

Inside, you’ll find practical ideas to implement, letting you actually choose to put in pockets in your personal life (i.e., some protected space, both the physical and metaphorical). With these 52 tips in-hand, and you’ll be well on your way to greater peace of mind and productivity.