To-Do List Part 3 by Carrie Greene

By admin
In Women
Feb 1st, 2014

Here are ten strategies to use for those times when you find yourself staring at your to-do list and can’t seem to get going on anything.

  1. Break up the project into mini-tasks and do just one tiny piece of the project.
  2. Since starting is often the hardest part agree with yourself to work on a project for JUST 5 minutes. At the end of five minutes assess your experience. Was it as bad as you thought it would be?  Would it be okay if you worked for another 5 minutes?
  3. Ask for help. Sometimes just having someone in the room with you will help keep you grounded and motivated.
  4. Identify the time of day when your concentration tends to be weaker or drift and do things that require less concentration and effort at that time. Conversely, identify the times of day when your concentration tends to be stronger and it is easier for you to stay on task and schedule things that tend to be more difficult for you to do at that time.
  5. Set realistic goals…don’t try to do everything at once.
  6. Write down what you plan to do this makes it real. Then post your plan so you can see it and refer to it as you move forward.
  7. Think about why you really want to get this project done. What’s in it for you? What’s in it for your clients, customers, students, or colleagues?  What’s in it for your friends and family?
  8. Ask yourself, what is the most important thing for me to do right now?
  9. Recognize the things that typically distract you like your cell phone, computer, other people, the TV, email or noise and avoid them when doing things that require your concentration.
  10. Be accountable to someone by telling them your plan and asking them to check in on you as you proceed.

© Carrie Greene, is an expert at helping entrepreneurs calm the overwhelm and turn it into profitable opportunities.

Work with Carrie to get organized, get places and get things done on time, figure out your priorities and get the projects that you start done.  Cross things off your to-do list, declutter, defeat procrastination and keep the motivation and momentum going for the long run. Work with Carrie to carry through on the steps it takes to reach your goals.  For free resources, including Carrie’s 4-part ecourse to help you calm the overwhelm, create space and reclaim your freedom, please visit

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