Resources to Enhance Your Productivity by Meggin McIntosh, PhD

In General
Sep 22nd, 2013

ProductivityI’m happy to report that there are many folks out there who are creating cool new tools to use for increasing our productivity. These are some of my personal favorites. See what might work for you.

  1. Clear folders. I am completely addicted to these clear folders.  I buy them from Ultimate Office (  My assistants and I use them for every task and for every item we put in a tickler file or that we are sending back and forth to each other as we work on projects. Yes, it means you buy hundreds.
  2. Pendaflex or Smead hanging file folders. Cheap substitutes are not the same.
  3. Brother P-touch labeler. It’s incredible how much more productive you can be when you can read the labels you’ve generated for folders, boxes, notebooks, and shelves with this tool vs. your own handwritten labels.
  4. Dymo Label Writer. When you need to print just one label for an envelope, this is the tool for you.
  5. Letter opener. If you would like me to send you one, contact me ( and I will. People love these when I give them out in my productivity workshops.
  6. Box bottom hanging file folders. If you don’t know what these are, you’re missing out on a huge “tidy up” opportunity for your filing cabinets.
  7. Planner. Choose one that you really like and that serves your needs and style.
  8. Dri-Line (instead of the old-fashioned White-Out).  I can’t believe people are still using the liquid stuff.  P-U.
  9. Decent pens & pencils. Throw out the ones that barely work or that you hate to write with.
  10. Heavy duty chair mat. I hope you have a rolling chair and you need a decent chair mat that lets you glide around your work space.

Invest in the products and tools you need to help yourself be productive. And, make sure that people who work for you also have the tools and products they need. It’s worth the investment. (Yes, there’s that word again.)

If you have files, notebooks, papers, boxes, envelopes, albums, and other “stuff” all over your office or home and you are tired of wishing you had a good filing system, you’re in need of the Paper Tiger System to File & Find Your Stuff.

I have used this software for over 13 years and it helps me file and find all kinds of things – paper and beyond. Access this class today to get organized and reduce your stress.