Fitting in Reading Practice for Busy Moms by Michele Luck

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In Women
Mar 13th, 2017

When you are busy managing your life, your family members’ lives, and maintaining a functioning household, it’s easy to let non life-or-death matters fall to the wayside.  If you hear that nagging voice telling you that you haven’t fit in one ounce of reading practice beyond what the school has required (if that has even been completed….) then try out these quick and seamless ways to fit in a bit of reading for your child.

  1. Read fast food or store signs, identify letters on license plates, or create words using multiple letters found on various license plates when transporting your children in the car.
  2. Give your child your shopping list to read, or circle pictures for them to read in the ads and have them add those items into your shopping cart.  For children who can write, have them create the list for you.
  3. Have a snack!  Crackers and cereals often make varieties that are in letter shapes.  Ask your child to make the letter sound before they eat it, or put multiple letters together to form a word before enjoying.
  4. Have your child read the recipe list or pictures of ingredients on the box of packaged meals while you cook.  Or, ask them to find the ingredients in the pantry so they can practice reading on the food labels.
  5. Write a list of chores for your child to choose from so that they are practicing reading a word or sentence identifying the chore.  Draw a picture beside the chore for nonreaders to begin associating the word to the chore. Rewrite the list weekly to move the word or sentences around, and even add or delete chores to keep the reading fresh and challenging.
  6. Ask your child to find their favorite show using the channel guide instead of punching in a memorized remote number.  The guide uses a chart with the channel abbreviation that you can have your child to identify first, then progress to reading show titles, and finally advance to asking your child to read aloud the show description.
  7. Ask your child to read and record their favorite show on the DVR using the channel guide.  If your child is a ready-reader, ask them to locate and record your favorite show, really requiring them to apply their reading skills!
  8. Required school reading or constant favorite book request? Enlist an older sibling to read aloud, or a pet or stuffed animal to listen. Yes, your child needs to hear you read aloud, but an older sibling often needs the reading practice as well, so let them fill in for you when you are stretched thin for time.  If your child just needs to practice reading aloud, let a family pet or stuffed animal to sit in for you once in a while!
  9. Play a game!  Upwords, Scrabble, Scrabble Flash, the card game Slam, Boggle, Story Cubes, Mad Libs, and many more commercial games lend themselves perfectly to growing readers for family game night.
  10. Use Skype or FaceTime for a friend or family member to stand in for the bedtime story to engage your child, strengthen relationship bonds, and give you a much-deserved break!

These quick reading opportunities will build a strong reader with very little effort, and possibly even give you some extra time and help around the house!

Michele Luck is a motivational coach with contagious enthusiasm, cheering others from the sidelines.  She is an author and educator who is passionate about learning.  Join Michele and get inspired at