Increase Visibility by Judy Cullins

By admin
In Coaches
Dec 20th, 2013

Whether it’s speaking or writing that brings you clients, professional coaches spend time on promotion, publicity, and marketing.  Here are 10 ways to Build your Coaching Business:

  1. Know your business defining statement.  Have this short sound bite ready to use at networking meetings. Like an elevator speech, you must send a clear message of who you are, what your business does and the benefits of it.
  2. Power up your email signature file.  Does it inspire your reader to take action? Make sure you put your defining statement under your name. Potential clients don’t care about the initials after your name. They care what you can do for them. Automate your signature file so it’s on every email you send out – a really soft way to sell yourself.
  3. Create short sales letters for your service.  This is a most important copywriting task that many coaches just don’t pay attention to. Send out the one page version via email when you get an inquiry. Post a similar one on your web site under your coaching pages.  Include long-tailed key words to optimize your site at the top. Then, a short paragraph on your service followed by 5 bulleted benefits, 2-3
    testimonials, and your guarantee. To get started, get ideas from my web pages.
  4. Write short tip and how to articles for your blog.  Or, submit these to your opt-in email lists each week, to Linkedin groups, to your Facebook wall, fan pages, and on twitwall at twitter. Then, tweet the link in your daily updates. For article marketing- submit only to the high traffic ezine and a blog-like site like and who get 15,000 potential clients each hour. (yes, I said hour!)
  5. Write a talk about one aspect of your service.  It can include why your information is so important to your client’s success, or a client’s story about a particular challenge, and how you solved it. One on my clients wrote a book and talks on coaching mastery and shared how coaches can let go of their own agenda to be a better coach.
  6. Present mini one-hour talks to local organizations in your city. Sell yourself, service or book from the platform. Always collect the audience’s email addresses via an offer for your free Web site ezine or a free report.
  7. Create an ezine, or even better, a blog on your business Web site to stay in touch with your clients.  Besides giving useful information such as how-to tips, resources, and your special message, include an opportunity to buy one of your products, a group coaching, teleseminar, or low-price introductory session.
  8. Write a short print or eBook.  You don’t need to write an end-all, be-all book. Today people want a short read to get their particular problem solved. They don’t have time to read long books loaded with stories. They want their information fast and easy-to-read. A book coach can help you make each page of your book market
    you as well as help you to create compelling chapters, which are well-organized and well-formatted.
  9. Choose two to three favorite ways to market first.  Put all of your effort into these. Refine your blog, and choose to participate in social media marketing, such as Linkedin. It works well with your blog. Write goals and schedule LI and Twitter marketing time that will automatically go to FB fan pages. Put as much time into marketing as you have with training or reading. Specific actions are what pay off.
  10. Rewrite and optimize your website, especially the home page if you are not attracting three-five new clients a month.

Your web visitors are not attracted to sites that say, “Welcome, My mission is: or “About me” such as a long bio. They want to know what’s in it for them and you must capture their interest within 10 seconds or they will surf to another site. Be sure to write a sales letter for each product and service.

© Judy Cullins.  Book Coach Judy Cullins helps you in business to write a “best seller” and build your brand with a short book.  Author: Write your eBook Other Short Book-Fast.  Click here to get fresh, free, weekly publications on book writing, self publishing, and online marketing.  For more ways to join the 5% Club, see Judy’s small group book coaching on pre-marketing skills #1 here, and for #2 see here. Or, if you don’t know Judy yet, subscribe to her website fresh weekly information and tips about business and book marketing at here.
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And if you liked these tips then you will want the Get a Plan! Guide® to Networking. Networking is a far more important skill and practice than any of us can really comprehend. Years ago, it wasn’t necessary to know how to network because you knew who you knew – and that was all you needed to know. Today… that is far from true. Learn 19 Networking Need-to-Knows in this practical and specific guide which is part of the Get a Plan! Guides® series.