Asking the Right Questions by Meggin McIntosh, PhD

By admin
In Coaches
Sep 9th, 2014

Procrastination - Time for Questions scaledThis week’s tips will be short and sweet. I highly encourage you to print this out and post it – maybe even in several places. Some of these are questions to ask of yourself and some are to be asked of others.

  1. Does this _______ (activity, task, job, responsibility, commitment) fit with my goals?
  2. Does this _______ (activity, task, job, responsibility, commitment) draw on my strengths?
  3. Does this _______ (activity, task, job, responsibility, commitment) energize me?
  4. Does this _______ (activity, task, job, responsibility, commitment) make a contribution to my organization, my community, my life, the world (or whatever the right scope is)?
  5. Am I the only person who can do this _______ (activity, task, job, responsibility, commitment)?
  6. Why are you asking me to take on this _______ (activity, task, job, responsibility, commitment)?
  7. Do I care about the person who is asking me to do this _______ (activity, task, job, responsibility, commitment)?
  8. Do I have the time to do this _______ (activity, task, job, responsibility, commitment)?
  9. Do I have the skills (or am I interested in acquiring the skills) to do this _______ (activity, task, job, responsibility, commitment)?
  10. If I do this _______ (activity, task, job, responsibility, commitment) what will I *not* be doing or what will it take the place of?

I’m a “big pie” kind of person, i.e., the sense that we need to think about how to make the pie bigger for everyone vs. worrying that if someone else gets a slice of the pie, then there will be less for me.

On the other hand, in terms of hours in a week, weeks in a year, and years in your life, it is a zero sum game. If you’re doing X, then you’re not doing Y or Z. Be thoughtful, strategic, and prudent about what you say yes to. Use these questions for yourself and also ask them of yourself before giving a task or responsibility to someone else. Share the list and the wisdom.

managing_multiple_responsibilities_v2 scaledIt is one thing to have big goals, but it is an entirely different thing to make time for them with all the responsibilities we have. We know that we are most effective when we are on top of deadlines and able to turn work around quickly. But sometimes having too many things we are responsible for gets in the way which can make the overwhelming volume even worse. Click Here to Learn More